Northern Exposure

Just a short note today. Not much battery left. Looking forward to the new IPad coming out 🙂

Driving up north on Hwy 17 last week it was about 2 in the morning when I rounded a corner there was … NOT a moose … but a young girl in a hoodie standing in the opposite lane waving her hands at me to stop. I carefully pulled over onto the shoulder unsure of whether it would support me. As I reached for my hat and reflective coat she came and stood on the road beside my door. It was a miracle she wasn’t killed.

Her car was up on the snowbank on the opposite side of the road and as we walked toward it I asked if she had a coat. She responded that she was going to Alberta. Hmmm she seemed to be in shock. She was shivering and so I suggested we sit in the truck where she could warm up until help came.

As I climbed in there were some trucks passing us heading south and so I asked them to get the OPP I had seen a few miles back to come up. They confirmed they would and within 10 minutes two OPP cruisers were marking the scene with their lights.

I told her to wait in the truck and I would go talk to the officers. Paul had been silent in the bunk this whole time and she was unaware that anyone else was in the truck. Paul told me later that when I got out she started bawling. She couldn’t have been more than 18 or 20 and it just broke my heart to think that her parents would have to get the news about the accident. The police invited her to his cruiser and she got down from my truck. The officer told me I could leave and so I drove on thankful to have been part of her story.

Letting our kids go is never easy. Its a big world out there. But there is a loving God watching over them and sending caring people to help them when we can’t be there. I wonder if she finally made it to Alberta or decided to go home for a while?

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